How Productivity Works

This is quick summary of how productivity works in one picture

Getting Start in Photography

Every good or even great photographers has beginning point. t might start from just a hobby or point of interest with limited or no knowledge at all, then learning the basics and continue progressing from there. This post is about how I started in photography and few tips on starting out in photography.

My Productivity Workflow

This is how I setup my day-to-day productivity workflow. What tools that I used, and for what purpose.

What is productivity? Being Productive or Just Busy

There's a difference between being busy and productive. Sometime we kind of mis-thinking that these two terms is the same. Having to chase deadline is usually what busy people do. On the other hand, productive people always have everything wrap up under a plan. They always prepare and plan ahead, every task and managed them by priority. So, what we can do to be more productive?

Markdown Syntax Guide

This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also it shows whether basic HTML elements are decorated with CSS in a Hugo theme.