Best Minimalist Todo Application

I think it's time that I write article about best todo list application that I've tried in 2021, and still relevant or great to use in coming year 2022. This year, I've tried so many todo list application. Each of them have their own pros & cons. Why I tried so many todo list application, because of the eagerness to find app that can fit into my productivity system and the important thing is I need to really enjoy using it.

Memorigi: Quick Impression of A Minimalist Todo Application

A simple & minimalist todo application, that everyone can use right away, but have more feature compare to Google Task. This app is definitely in one of my top 5 todo application that I'd recommend.

Google Task: a simple todo list application

Google Tasks is a simple to-do list from Google with minimalist design layout. It's integrated with other Google services, and it's free. So, here's my impression after using it for couple of weeks.

Explore Todoist Personal Task Management

Todoist is a task management application that helps to manage your personal and professional productivity. It's one of main competitor to other to-do list application that I'm currently used, TickTick. With recent changes on Todoist free plan , I got intrigued to see how Todoist can be used as replacement for TickTick.

My Productivity Workflow

This is how I setup my day-to-day productivity workflow. What tools that I used, and for what purpose.